
Reasons To Choose German Language

Embarking on a German language course presents a multitude of benefits, from professional advancement to cultural enrichment. Here are five compelling reasons to consider learning German.

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AbroadUp stands out as an exceptional choice for language courses due to its innovative and personalized approach to learning. With a diverse range of language programs tailored to individual needs, AbroadUp ensures that learners receive comprehensive instruction that aligns with their goals and preferences. The platform’s interactive modules, coupled with real-world application exercises, foster rapid skill development and fluency acquisition. Moreover, AbroadUp’s team of experienced instructors provides ongoing support and feedback, creating a supportive learning environment conducive to success. If you find a best German language course then search for German language course near me.


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Best German Language course in Pitampura

If you’re searching for a German language course in Pitampura, if you want to improve your german speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, get in touch with AbroadUp . We are opening the doors to get immersed in the German culture where culture, language, and endless possibilities meet. More than just grammar and vocabulary, our German language program in Pitampura is the best chance that will assist you merge into German-speaking communities around the world. At the intersection of instruction and enthusiasm, Abroadup is committed to enabling people to embrace linguistic variety. Our dedication extends beyond language education; it also involves building connections, expanding viewpoints, and accepting a multilingual society. To acquire the German language, just search for German course in Pitampura and Abroadup.

It’s true, this is a word that exists in German, or it did until 2013. This 63-character word in German referred to the “law delegating label monitoring of beef”.

A EU regulation dropped the ban. It’s been said that the German language was difficult to learn. Or maybe this is what you felt when you heard native German speakers speak? You’re right about your assumption based on the scary word? But…

Does learning German require a lot of effort?

No, it is not hard to learn German. Any language requires time and dedication. The German language is no different.

Motivation and hard work are all you need. If you’re not sure where to begin, this article will give you some useful tips to help you quickly learn German. Let’s face it. It is harder for Chinese speakers to learn German than it is for native English speakers.

The German language belongs to the Germanic group of IndoEuropean languages. It shares many similarities with other Germanic dialects like English and Dutch.




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How long does it take to learn German?

Learning German is not easy, especially if your native language does not belong to the Indo European family. No matter what language you speak, or how difficult German might seem at first, do not give up.

This guide will show you how to make faster progress if you are wondering about shortcuts and specific ways of learning german. It is not a matter of a fixed time frame that will guarantee you success in learning German. Consistency is the key. You won’t suddenly be fluent in German one day.


This is only seen in movies. You’ll get results quickly if you just take one step at a moment. The time it takes to learn a language depends on many things, such as your previous experience, exposure, resilience, the amount of work you put in, motivation, etc. If you practice daily for at least three to four months, you will be able handle a conversation with a buddy and do things like ordering in a café and getting into the cafe.

Some people are more difficult to learn than others, and it takes them longer to achieve the same level. This is because they don’t practice daily. It will probably take you a few years to become fluent in German, but let’s just get started.

How to Learn German Language?

Learn German quickly and easily with these simple tips:

  1. Keep yourself motivated by finding a compelling reason.
  2. Learn the basics of German.
  3. Learn slang and funny words to keep things interesting.
  4. Practice daily. Talk to native German speakers if possible.

Many people say that mastering the basics is key. If you are a beginner and wondering how to start learning the German language, we suggest you begin with the alphabet. German has 26 letters just like English. The Alphabet does not include some letters that have different pronunciations in English. These are aou, and b. You can improve your accent by learning how to pronounce these letters correctly.

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German Language Grammar 

What do you think makes a foreign language difficult for you? It’s grammar, right? It’s not just the German language that makes grammar a challenge. You’ll soon be able to speak German with ease if you master this section. German has six tenses, including Prasens and Prateritum.

The relation between the tenses is not 100% accurate, but it will help you understand German grammar. There are four different cases: accusative (nominative), dative (genitive), and dative (accusative). Many people are unaware of a confusing aspect of German: the 16 different forms “the” takes in English depending on case and gender. German has three prepositions to indicate gender for nouns: das (for neutral gender), der (for masculine gender), and die (for feminine gender). You must learn the prepositions for each new word you learn. You may be confused at first, because a biological and grammatical gender can sometimes differ. There are rules that determine which nouns get which article, with some exceptions. This part is not something to worry about. You will start to understand a lot more about this grammar basic once you memorize them all.

German Phrases & Daily Expressions

When learning a new foreign language, you don’t want to begin with the complicated grammar rules.

The fun and entertainment of learning a language is more important than expanding your knowledge. You’ll need to grab your attention and ignite your motivation by starting with a topic that will make you curious about what lies beyond.

It is impossible to learn German better than by learning a few basic words and phrases. For example, saying hello or asking for something. You will feel a sense of accomplishment and your confidence will increase. Start with a few everyday expressions in German. Try to create a dialogue using these expressions

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How to say... in German

Funny German words

Let’s make it a bit more fun. You can find funny words in German, just like in any other language.

What do you call a person who pees on the floor in English?

In English there is no word to describe these people, but “Wildpinkler”, which means “wild peeer” in German, is the closest thing. The 10 funniest German words and their English translations are listed below.

German Mistakes to Avoid

You will hear language teachers give you the same tip to learn a new language quickly: Make mistakes. You don’t need to be embarrassed about making mistakes. They will help you identify your weaknesses so that you can overcome them.

People who are learning a new language, other than their native tongue, often encounter some common problems. For example, a native English speaker may have difficulty with certain words. These mistakes are often based on the way a word is pronounced or how it is compared to your native language. When you say “bekommen”, it might make you think of the word “to be”. But it actually means to get something. False friends are what we call them. Attention!

Ich bekomme ein Geschenk – I get a present

Prepositions are another common mistake that people who learn German often make. There are no rules for this, so you’ll have to rely on your memory. Don’t worry, you will get the hang of it. If you say “nach Hause”, it means “to the house”, while “zu Hause”, means to refer to a house as a place. A word-for-word literal translation is another mistake. German sentences may differ from your own language. Here’s an example

Dem Jungen gab ich einen Ball. – I gave the boy a ball.

The boy gave me one ball. It may mean something else or be absurdly incorrect. There are many pronunciation mistakes. Here are five common pronunciation mistakes.

the letter “z”

In English, the German letter “z”, is written as “ts”. For example, “der Sturz” (crash).

Umlauts “o” and “u”.

These two vowels are the hardest to pronounce. These sounds do not exist in English. It is difficult for a native German speaker to show you how. You can use the “e” in “every”, but you will need to round your mouth. It will become second nature to you after some practice.

Alternative forms of “ch”

The “ch”, depending on the letter that is in front, may have a different sound. When “i” or ‘e” is placed before “ch”, it produces a hissing noise, similar to a cat. Touch your tongue against the roof of your lips or your hard palate to produce this sound. Make a loud noise in your throat if “a”, “o” or “u”, is placed before the “a”. It’s not that easy. You have to train your ears to recognize sounds. Check out as many German audios as possible.

The “s” letter

The spelling of this letter can vary. It is always written as “z” if the letter comes at the end of the word. In English, the double “SS” will always be spelled as “s”.

The rules for “st” (short “st”) and “sp” (short “sp”)
When “st” appears at the start of a sentence, it’s pronounced as “sht” in English. “Sp” at a phrase’s beginning is pronounced “shp”. Consider words like “die Strabe”, “der Strand”, “der Spab”.

When “st” or “sp”, respectively, is at the end of a term, it’s pronounced “St” or “sp”